Nominate Your Book for Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2025
Nominations for the Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2025 are now open. Please fill in the basic details and proceed to Step 2 to provide more information about your book. Upon acceptance of the details submitted, you will receive an email with instructions for hardcopy submission
Nominate for 2025
What is Sahitya Sparsh Awards?
The Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2024 stands as an illustrious beacon among literary honors in Asia, representing the pinnacle of recognition for authors across the continent. This prestigious award not only celebrates exceptional literary prowess but also serves as a testament to the profound impact and resonance of storytelling within society. As an esteemed accolade, it shines a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of writers, fostering a culture that cherishes and acknowledges the profound artistry and transformative power of words.
What are the Book Categories?
The world of books is vast and diverse, with something for everyone’s taste. To navigate this exciting landscape, understanding the different book categories can be a helpful guide. Here’s a breakdown of some major categories for which we are accepting nominations: